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Party Manifestos: main points.

What are the parties promising?


  • Deliver independence

  • End austerity 

  • Reverse the damage of Brexit and rejoin the EU

  • Support people through the cost of living crisis 

  • Protect our NHS from the twin threats of privatisation and austerity 

  • Invest in a just transition, supporting people in the move towards a zero carbon economy


  • Cut another 2p off National Insurance by April 2027, abolish the main rate for self-employed people, and pledge not to raise income tax rates or VAT

  • Raise the minimum amount a pensioner receives before paying income tax in line with the pension triple lock of inflation, wages or 2.5% - whichever is highest

  • Introduce mandatory National Service for 18-year-olds - either taking on a role serving the community or securing a military placement

  • Raise defence spending to 2.5% of national income by 2030

  • Send asylum seekers to Rwanda to deter illegal Channel crossings and introduce an annual cap on the number of migrant visas

  • Increase NHS spending above inflation every year and recruit 28,000 more doctors and 92,000 more nurses



  • Provide economic stability with clear rules on tax and spending, including no increases to existing income tax rates, National Insurance or VAT

  • Cut NHS waiting times with 40,000 more appointments a week by paying staff more to work weekends and evenings

  • Create a Border Security Command with counter-terror style powers to stop trafficking gangs and people smuggling

  • Set up Great British Energy, a publicly owned clean energy firm, to create jobs, cut bills and invest in clean energy

  • Tackle antisocial behaviour with 13,000 more neighbourhood police and community support officers on the beat in England and Wales

  • Recruit 6,500 more teachers and introduce free breakfast clubs at every primary school in England


Liberal Democrats

  • Introduce free personal care, such as nursing at home, in England and offer more support to unpaid carers

  • Give everyone the right to see their GP within seven days

  • Invest in renewable power and home insulation to cut bills and drive a strong economic recovery

  • Ban sewage discharges into rivers and seas

  • Repair the UK’s relationship with Europe

  • Introduce a proportional voting system to elect MPs



  • Introduce a Green New Deal investment programme, including enhanced subsidies for renewable energy, home retrofitting, and battery storage

  • Phase out fossil fuels, no new North Sea oil and gas licences, and create a long-term plan for decommissioning existing oil and gas fields while guaranteeing jobs

  • Invest in rail connections, using taxes from flying to ensure rail is cheaper

  • A wealth tax on the top 1% of households in the UK, raising more than £75bn for public services

  • Grant the Scottish Parliament power to hold constitutional referendums

  • Stop deportations to Rwanda, close detention centres, and grant asylum seekers rights to work while claims are processed Reform UK

  • Freeze immigration except for those with essential skills

  • Stop illegal Channel crossings, including by returning migrants found in small boats to France if needed

  • Cut NHS waiting lists to zero by boosting staff recruitment and increasing the use of alternative health providers

  • Raise the minimum amount someone earns before paying income tax from £12,570 to £20,000 a year, and the threshold for the 40% rate from £50,270 to £70,000

  • Scrap VAT on energy bills and cut fuel duty by 20p a litre

  • End policies to reach net zero - the aim to stop adding to the total amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere


  • Deliver independence

  • Protect women’s rights

  • Save Grangemouth Oil Refinery

  • Protect North Sea oil and gas jobs

  • Support a referendum to give independence powers to the Scottish Parliament

  • Restore competence to government in Scotland


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